Thursday, October 19, 2006

Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous

I've been hearing a lot about Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) systems since Ambric made their announcements. They say their chip architecture simplifies parallel processing. I'll refernce a previous post on why reconfigurable computing hasn't caught on yet.

Anyway so more on GALS. GALS is nice because it eases clock distribution which consumes a large portion of the power on the chip. With multiple local clocks you can control dynamic voltage and frequency scaling in a localized manner to power optimize a process load balancer. Ring oscillators provide a clock for a small region of the chip which asynchronously communicates with other regions.

Asynchronous communication schemes are pretty well established, especially since the Internet and asynchronous processing methods are emerging now with AJAX applications dispatching client side programs. On chip asynchronous processing should be able to inherit it's programming metaphor from how people run distributed applications on the Internet.

As for running distributed applications with an asynchronous protocol, Joe and I have been cooking up a system which provides AJAX connection to a server side pipe. We've connected a scheme interpretter to the server pipe (we also put Python on there for a bit). We also took jsScheme which is a client-side read-eval-print-loop (REPL) implemented in Javascript and put it up on the same page as the server side REPL. We haven't connected the server to the client yet and a number of security issues and protocol issues that need to be determined before we provide a demo of a massively distributed application over AJAX. We do have the ability to launch multiple client side or server side REPL environments, which is interesting for distributed multiprocessing. I am currently implementing a job queue and a communication protocol.

when the client webpage loads it says:
(tell server '(repl-requested))

the server that receives the '(repl-requested) has responds with a client-side (Javascript) REPL environment and a command to contact an available authentication agent:
(tell client `(authenticate ,(pop-authentication-agent!)))

the authentication agent profiles the client REPL (how long does it take to respond? who is the user? do we trust this anonymous user?). After authenticating the client REPL and determining privileges, it tells the client REPL to report to a task manager.

The task manager provides the client with a set of definitions and instructs it to compute some process. At the end of the process the client will return the result and request a new process. If the client side comes upon an undefined symbol it can make a server request to define the symbol. I think we'll get to this point in a few weeks.

What will be really interesting will be to see what kinds of applications can attract a lot of user time, and benefit from distributed computation. Online games with distributable AI seems like a good fusion of these characteristics and might provide an alleviation for the scalability issues associated with high traffic.

This web programming seems like a departure from reconfigurable computing but the same GALS programming provides a strong metaphor for FPGA control and a lot of the process management must be "reconfigurable" in order to tolerate faulty or defective clients.

Here's a well-written article on AJAX.

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